SPINFIT Personal Trainer

Get a personalized gym routine with our AI-enabled app! Based on your previous workouts, age, goals, and available equipment, our app suggests the perfect routine to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Get a personalized gym routine with our AI-enabled app! Based on your previous workouts, age, goals, and available equipment, our app suggests the perfect routine to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Your Name
Your Fitness Level
Select What workout you want to do
Where are you doing GYM today ?
What bodyparts you did already this week
Any other information you want to share
Whats your fitness goal
Your inputs and outputs are securely handled and will never be leaked or used for AI training without your explicit consent.
SPINFIT Personal Trainer
Get a personalized gym routine with our AI-enabled app! Based on your previous workouts, age, goals, and available equipment, our app suggests the perfect routine to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Get a personalized gym routine with our AI-enabled app! Based on your previous workouts, age, goals, and available equipment, our app suggests the perfect routine to help you achieve your fitness goals.
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